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The Distracted Commercial Truck Driver

While not all commercial truck drivers become distracted behind the wheel, those who do can be greatly putting themselves and others on the road in danger. Commercial trucks can range anywhere from 10,000 pounds at the lowest, to around 80,000 pounds fully stocked. In comparison, the standard vehicle can weigh around 3,000-4,000 pounds. If a truck driver were to become distracted for any reason, he or she could cause a tragic accident. Here in this article, we have answered a few questions people may have about truck accidents, and what you can do if such a crash ever happens to you or a loved one.

In what ways do truck drivers become distracted?

There are many ways we can become distracted when behind the wheel. Particularly for truck drivers, the distractions could be cell phone use, daydreaming on boring roads, and eating while behind the wheel. Any action that takes attention away from the road could lead to disaster very quickly.

Why is cell phone use while driving such a common issue?

In today’s world, we may rely on our cell phones for communication, research, directions, entertainment, paying bills, and more. With the advancement of technology it may come as no surprise as to how much cell phones can actually do for us. It can be difficult for people to separate themselves from their phones, even for a brief period of time. While an attachment to cell phones may seem just a little unhealthy, it can become outright risky when people decide to drive while using it. Sadly, truck drivers are not an exception and may want to send a quick text or call to talk with loved ones while they are away from home for such a long period of time.

What should I do if I got hit by a truck driver who was on the phone?

If you notice a truck driver was on the phone and had hit your car because of it, you should call for police and a medical team right away. Depending on how fast the truck was going and at which angle it hit you, you could be at risk for suffering a critical condition. Try to remain calm and get the medical care you need immediately. Once you have recovered well enough, you can then consider meeting with a legal professional if you are in search of justice and compensation.

I made an appointment with an attorney, now what should I do?

Let’s say you have made your appointment for a consultation with a truck accident lawyer DC trusts, and now want to know how to best prepare yourself. In the meantime between now and your consult date, you should gather the following documents to bring with you:

1. Copies of all medical expenses related to your accident injuries
2. Estimates for vehicle repairs and damages
3. Photographs and any witness contacts you were able to gather at scene
4. Doctor’s exams, diagnostics and plans for treatment
5. Truck driver’s information and trucking company name

Thank you to our friends and contributos at The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn for their insight into truck accidents.

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