What To Expect For Your Health After a Car Accident
Posted by matadoradmin on May 28, 2022 in Uncategorized | 0 comments Car Accident Lawyer Car accidents can impact people in various ways, and usually for the worse. Motor vehicle collisions are among the primary causes of serious injury in our nation, and beyond. Some people may be able to get back to their normal way of life shortly after the accident, but for others, the effects are much more lasting. Because the type of injury and severity can vary by person, it’s important to get a medical examination from your doctor the same day or as soon as possible. Soft Tissue Injury Injuries to the muscles, tendons, or ligaments are common after a car accident. Whiplash in particular is frequently seen in those who were recently in an auto collision. Symptoms of whiplash include shoulder pain, neck pain, neck stiffness, ringing in ears, arm or hand numbness, dizziness, irritability, blurry vision, concentration problems, fatigue, and sleeplessness. Traumatic Brain Injury Damage to the brain that was caused by outside force or object is called a traumatic brain injury. Symptoms may include headaches, nausea, dizziness, sleep problems, changes in mood, vomiting, relentless headache, confusion, and slurred speech. Seek emergency medical attention if you or someone you love has had any of these symptoms, especially after a car accident. Mental Stress The mental anguish of going through a serious car accident should not be disregarded. A victim may deal with new fears about driving or getting back into a car at all. The stress of insurance companies, financial loss, property damage, and physical injury can cause a victim to develop anxiety, depression, or other mental health struggles. As a Car Accident Lawyer from Therman Law Offices, LTD knows, there are many more ways that someone can get hurt in a car accident than those listed above. Anyone who has been in an accident is strongly advised to get medical attention promptly so their injuries can be identified and treated right...read more