How to Avoid Getting Hurt in the Workplace
Posted by jmr on Feb 28, 2018 in Uncategorized | 0 commentsWorkplace injuries and illness can be all too common. A workers compensation attorney may emphasize the importance of hurt employees reporting an accident to their manager or supervisor promptly. An injury can range from a mild cut or scrape, to more serious conditions such as a concussion or broken bones. Asking for medical attention after getting hurt at work is the responsible thing to do for your health.
After filing an incident report and seeing a doctor, you may decide to file a workers compensation claim. We can help you during the claim process, and offer legal guidance if needed.
Below we have listed a few tips to help protect yourself from workplace injuries happening again in the future:
#1 Notify Your Supervisor About Hazards
If you observe a hazardous condition in the workplace, bring it to the attention of your supervisor. Your employer has a legal responsibility to address unsafe conditions in the work environment. By reporting such threats, you could be preventing other people from becoming injured too.
#2 Wear Safety Gear
Many employees dislike wearing protective gear because it is either uncomfortable or looks uncool. However, safety gear can be vital to safeguarding you from being exposed to harmful chemicals or suffering physical injuries in the event of an accident. For example, a construction worker who does not wear a hard hat even for a short period of time may be risking a concussion, brain swelling, memory loss and more if he or she were to get hit by a metal beam or equipment.
#3 Take Job Safety Training Seriously
The extent of job safety training is based on the level of risk or threats you may encounter while on the clock. Your employer is obligated to provide you with training and information needed to encourage workplace health and safety. If you do not pay attention during training or do not follow guidelines, you can be putting yourself and others at risk for harm.
#4 Take Sufficient Breaks
Workers are entitled to taking breaks during their shift. The number of breaks and length of rest can vary based on the state you live in and type of work. However, it is important that you take advantage of these breaks. In some work cultures, it can seem weak or be discouraged to take your government mandated breaks. Do not fall into this trap mindset. By not taking breaks you can become overly tired, resulting in workplace mistakes or not being able to quickly avoid a threat.
To get help with your case, reach out to an on the job injury lawyer the Bronx residents frequently turn to. If you believe you have been granted a benefit amount that is insufficient, or feel as though your employer has retaliated against you for filing a claim, call immediately.
Thanks to our friends and contributors from Workers Comp NY for their insight into work injuries.